Generation details

A close up of an eye with a blue and yellow iris, surrounded by space galaxy nebula. add space galaxy nebula to iris of eye

A close up of an eye with a blue and yellow iris, surrounded by space galaxy nebula. add space galaxy nebula to iris of eye

Prompt 1: A close up of an eye with a blue and yellow iris, surrounded by space galaxy nebula. add space galaxy nebula to iris of eye

Negative prompt 1: blurry, watermark, text, low resolution

Prompt 2: a close up of the planet earth inside the eye of the iris. add planet earth to iris of eye

Negative prompt 2: blurry, watermark, text, low resolution

Prompt 3: a close up of a blue and yellow eye with added planet saturn, iris. add planet saturn to iris of eye

Negative prompt 3: blurry, watermark, text, low resolution

    Seed: 1244273123Dynamism: 40Smoothness: 100Exploration: 55512x896LoopPublic