Generation details

"70s Car Goes Digital Detailed, Wave Replay, Artificial Waves, 8k", Wave 7: "Blurry, True To Life, Undistorted, Focus, High Resolution, Trees, City". high res beautiful lighting, casual pose, sharp focus, glowing with colored light, octane render

70s Car Goes Digital Detailed, Wave Replay, Artificial Waves, 8k", Wave 7: "Blurry, True To Life, Undistorted, Focus, High Resolution, Trees, City". high res beautiful lighting, casual pose, sharp focus, glowing with colored light, octane render

Full prompt: "70s Car Goes Digital Detailed, Wave Replay, Artificial Waves, 8k", Wave 7: "Blurry, True To Life, Undistorted, Focus, High Resolution, Trees, City". high res beautiful lighting, casual pose, sharp focus, glowing with colored light, octane render : 2.0 | text : -1.0

    Seed: 1543132600Dynamism: 20Smoothness: 51Exploration: 40704x704LoopPublic