Generation details

A silhouette of a man dressed in all black, hovering above trees outside a bedroom window, movie poster, cinematic lighting, dramatic, epic, 32k UHD, render, rich colors ,hyper realistic, cinestill 800, blockbuster, cgi, 4K, ultra detailed, 8k, (masterpiece), best quality, wallpaper, detailed background, hyper detailed background, a man whose face is half transparent, blending physical reality with an ethereal quality. His half-visible face exudes a haunting emotion, set against a dark and enigmatic background. The darkness may contain faint cosmic elements, lending a mystical aura to the scene.

A silhouette of a man dressed in all black, hovering above trees outside a bedroom window, movie poster, cinematic lighting, dramatic, epic, 32k UHD, render, rich colors ,hyper realistic, cinestill 800, blockbuster, cgi, 4K, ultra detailed, 8k, (masterpiece), best quality, wallpaper, detailed background, hyper detailed background, a man whose face is half transparent, blending physical reality with an ethereal quality. His half-visible face exudes a haunting emotion, set against a dark and enigmatic background. The darkness may contain faint cosmic elements, lending a mystical aura to the scene.

Full prompt: A silhouette of a man dressed in all black, hovering above trees outside a bedroom window, movie poster, cinematic lighting, dramatic, epic, 32k UHD, render, rich colors ,hyper realistic, cinestill 800, blockbuster, cgi, 4K, ultra detailed, 8k, (masterpiece), best quality, wallpaper, detailed background, hyper detailed background, a man whose face is half transparent, blending physical reality with an ethereal quality. His half-visible face exudes a haunting emotion, set against a dark and enigmatic background. The darkness may contain faint cosmic elements, lending a mystical aura to the scene. : 2.0 | blurry, ugly, deformed, jpeg, low resolution : -1.0

    Seed: 1069104558Dynamism: 20Smoothness: 51Exploration: 40832x576LoopPublic